1.LOVE (Philia)

An intense feeling of deep affection and an emotional, spiritual, and psychological attachment to the object of the deep affection, here another human being. 

2. LOVE (Agape)

An intense and unconditional and transcendent feeling of deep affection for and an emotional, spiritual, and psychological attachment to GOD and CHRIST and THEIR intense and unconditional and transcendent feelings of deep affection and complete attachment to we who are human beings living on this small blue planet.           

3. Empathy

The ability to understand and experience the feelings, psychology and situation or predicament of another human being.

4. Mercy

Compassion or forgiveness shown towards an enemy or another human being in your power.

5. Compassion

Empathetic concern or worry for the suffering, sin, and misfortunes of another human being.

6. Forgiveness

To stop feeling hurt, angry, hateful, or resentful towards another human being who has done someone wrong, either with abuse, an offense, a mistake, or the breaking of CHRIST’S LAW.

7. Faith

Complete trust and confidence and belief in GOD, that’s based on supernatural or spiritual experience, revelation, or conviction, and not the scientific method or physical proof.

8. Nonviolence (Ahimsa)

The absolute and total rejection of hurting another human being. The absolute and total rejection of any act or form of violence, be it physical, verbal, psychological, spiritual, supernatural, intellectual, financial, sexual, or by occult majik. When we hurt another human being, especially with violence, we not only hurt them, but we also hurt GOD and we hurt ourselves. Violence is absolutely forbidden for anyone who is an authentic CHILD OF GOD. 

9. Hope

A feeling of desire and expectation of something that hasn’t happened yet, but that the person with hope believes will occur.

10. Truth

That which is under either fact or reality or spiritual/supernatural experience or conviction.

11. Humility

Believing or behaving as if you were of little importance or worth, regardless of your actual status and importance.

12. Kindness

The act of being friendly, considerate, generous, loving, and affectionate to another human being.

13. Tolerance

To allow the existence or occurrence of something you don’t like or believe or agree with, without stopping it or interfering with it, so to enable a higher spiritual purpose, even when to do so, causes suffering.

14. Patience

The act of enduring delay, trouble, or suffering, without becoming angry, irritated, hurt, or upset.

15. Charity

Giving money or food or help to another person who needs money or food or help but doesn’t have any.

16. Gratefulness

The act of feeling pleased and relieved for receiving or experiencing something that you need or want and expressing thanks to GOD and any human on the Planet Earth who helped enable it.

17. Peace

Freedom from or absence of disturbances, but specifically the absence of violence, fighting or war.